My blogging experience
I never had do or write in a blog and this is a excelent opportunite to create one and write some notes in it. I think that a blog is a good idea to express your fellings or comunicated your ideas to the other ones. Also its can help the teacher to evaluate the english of each one of the students, because sometimes a test or a quiz not show in a good way the really knows of us.
Its a fun way to learn english and get better. Not only I learn this languaje, it can help to me to organize my fellings, my life and speak with my self. I dont have too much time to be alone and think about me and the people that is around to me, I never do that thinks, I prefer in my free times visit friends or my boyfriend, see a movie, help my mother, go to parties,etc. The blog is the oportunity to do that.
The practice of english all the weeks is usefull because is more easy to write things now than in the fisrt class. It help me to improve my inglish and learn new words.
The main disadvantages of blogging in the English class is that the information that you write is exposed to all the people ... to be continued
Free post: Basketball.
Hace 14 años